Sense of dreams

Sunday, November 26, 2006


To see prosperous serpent in dreams isnt good sign. You should expect problems, after seeing such things, prepare that your enemies will attack you, indifferent people start to hate you, investitions will end badly, nobody would be nice to you, etc. Just recomended is to not dream bout snakes.
Serpent: Enemy.
Wanna bite you: Illness.
Be bitten by: Soomebody scandalize you.
Be bitten by Also beware of false friends.
Big: Powerfull enemy.
See in grass: Ilness and health problems.
Pet him: Bad lust.
Skin from snake: Victory.
Kill him: Await win.
Step on: Problems where you wouldnt expect them.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Apple (fruit, definitelly no computer pls).
See red: Health.
Rotten: Ilness.
To give sbdy an apple: Joy.
Hot: Beware of inflamables.
Buy: Bad luck.
Sauer: Ilness and sadness.
See on tree: Relatives vill coma
See: Wedding.
Green see: Ilness.
Nice see: Joy and long life.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Legendary creature with extremly strong magic. And also extremly coy, it is said that unicorn will come only to pure virgin. Also dangerous one, unicorns can kil human in second, by his horn. They are absolutely white or black. Their magic is concentrated in their horn, and thus person able to get somehow horn from unicorn will in that moment posess strong magical source. And its also said, that unicorn's horn should be much better aphrodisiac tahn viagra. But what it means, when you dream about unicorns? I found extremly few sources talking about it, but they tell one thing: Its definitelly not good. To be exact, see unicorn in dreams should mean missfortune.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Except fact that every girl is being born as virgin, virgins belongs to legends. Ist virgin who should be eaten by bad dragon. Its virgin who (as only one) could tame unicorn. Its virgin blood which have unique magic qualities. And its also virgin, because of who goes brave knight to war, to protect her. And what mean virgin in dreams? (not in wet dreams of 15 year old boy, in normal dreams of normal people.)
See virgin: Luck.
Mermaid (also virgin) You will travel behind see.
See her happy: Joy.
Wounded virgin: Not good sign.
Dead virgin: Definitely something wrong.
Virgin bride: Hope.
Old virgin: Beware.

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