Sense of dreams

Friday, July 28, 2006


Raven, tradicional symbol of death. Ravens eating dead bodies, fighting for best pieces, or flying over sky, bringing bad luck, war and as sign of plague. But what means when somebody dreams about raven (ravens)? lets look at it:
Raven: Old greedy.
White: Hard punishment.
Quill from raven: Bad news, blackmail.
Feed him: Bad news.
Yelling: Really bad news.
Flying around: Death, yours or in family.
On gallows: Hanging.
Over head: Death.
Attacking you: You will be robbed and beaten.
In house: Bad servant.
Hm, this means: Dont try to dream about ravens, its not healthy.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


To see flowers in dreams have of course its own sense. Generally it can be said as all types of blossoming flowers are good sign, except of some special cases. Lets look at it:
Flower (plant) nice and green: Expect good luck.
Flower with red blossoms: Red is red as blood, beware.
Flower with white blossoms: Possible marriage.
Flower given as gift: Somebody is thinking at you.
To get flower: Love the others.
Flower fading: Your activities wont bring what you expected.
Dead flower: Bad sign, dont do anything important.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Cat see: False things.
See sleeping: Dont worry.
Chase: YOu will be chased by false friends.
See falling: Lucky fall.
Cat and dog: Enemies.
To kill: Disable enemy.
On wall or roof: Thievery
Tricolored: Luck

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Snake is mythical symbol of evil. Of loosing paradise. It was snake who helped devil and said to first woman to eat apples from forbidden tree, which resulted in aware of fact they are naked, than angried god threw them from paradise to earth surface. But snake under some circumstances can be good sign. So lets look at it:
See snake: Overall bad sign.
See snake choking sbdy: Beware of your enemies.
See snake biting sbdy: Your problems will solve itself, no need of action from your side.
See poisonous snake: Dont risk.
Peacefull snake: Hope.
Snake in house: Hm, there is old arabic saying: Bad wife, false friend and snake in house, that is certain death. What more to say?

Sunday, July 02, 2006


To see children in dream hav its sense. Ya, see children is strong sign, but of what? lets look at it.
To see children: Ilness in family.
To see children playing: Really big problems.
Running children: Watch your back.
Ill child (children): Hope.
Children in school: Fulfill your duties.
Small children: Really bad sign.
Dead children: Sorrow and pain.

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